What do you like about RSS and readers?
This was something I had not used before. I found my daughter's Twitter... interesting.
It is cool to be able to see lots of things that interest you in one convenient spot.
How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your school or personal life?
I am not sure that I would use this at school, but it would be good to keep track of my family and real estate news for San Augustine.
How can libraries/teachers/administrators use readers or take advantage of this new technology?
It would be a good way to keep track of all of the things that are going on in a high school.
You could subscribe to feeds dealing with sports, arts, and academics.
It would be a neat way to keep up with professional development too.
Think about using a Reader for keeping with changing news for research topics. For example, I bet lots of secondary librarians will need to keep up with details about the oil spill because I bet there will be lots of student projects involving that current event.